Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the things you feel you "should" be doing?
AffOrmation: How is it that what I am able to do is enough?
We would behave very differently in the world if we saw our ENTIRE incarnation as being "at work" or "at home" - responsible for it. Just like one takes on getting toilet paper when it's low at home or correcting a document, broken website link or solving a complex challenge at work, we do what it takes to get our job done. Even still we must not be entrapped by the responsibility or any challenging experience but in our wisdom and inner freedom still find joy and peace in each moment for the sake of our own growth. #sangodare #and1 #andmyteachers
- Can I look at a to-do list, a huge task or challenge and still find peace in the next moment?
- Can I work to transform suffering and still find peace and joy in the process?
- Do I feel like I am here to get stuff or for something else? What? #dailybread