
Febr 17, 2017 - Family

Do you want to know the secret to uplifting your whole family?
AffOrmation: Since when does peaceful transformation surround me?

Today my testimony is that MY MAMA and I GROW TOGETHER! I could be wrong but you uplift your whole family by uplifting yourself and honoring your parents. Today on my Mama's 60th birthday I can see the shift in my world and in hers from where I moved from having just an above average and good relationship to a daily responsibility to honor her in every way I know how -

1) daily affirmation, affOrmation and prayer;
2) telling her the truth and figuring out how to do so in a way that she could hear it - creating the ceremony for it without being attached to her agreeing or not;
3) being her partner in all the ways that I can joyfully;
4) giving NO energy to my own judgements and so so so much energy to every way I see her shine;
5) practicing listening deeply (to her heart and her feedback);
6) taking my own ego out of the driver's seat and being as sweet as possible;
7) taking 100% responsibility (energetically/spiritually) for her/our legacy to reach it's FULL potential through collaboration. #sangodareTestimony

- what is the testimony I want to have about my (insert family member)?
- what BOUNDARIES and BLESSINGS will I create to actualize my divine intention for that relationship?
- what tools do I have and do I need to acquire in order to uplift that relationship?#dailybread