
Feb 8, 2017, 6:58AM - Transcend

Is it possible to transcend too much?
AffOrmation: How did I gain such powerful access to beingness (I AM), beyond my belief positions?

"When you consciously realize that you are the watcher, you are freed from narrow confines of outer labels: male, female," tall, left handed, etc. "These must crumble in order for your true identity as pure consciousness to emerge. Beliefs, concepts and perceptions are the contents of consciousness, but they are not consciousness itself... because they can be changed, shifted, transformed." #mbbeckwith

- Can we evolve the contents of our consciousness into ALIGNMENT with consciousness itself?
- Are we concerned that we will loose presence to our JUSTICE imperative if we transcend our positions and physical identity?
- Can we trust that our higher vibration brings us CLOSER to actualizing justice? #dailybread