I want a personal assistant capable of being i charge of me.
On a film set “PA” stands for Production Assistant, often. In a business or corporate environment “PA” stands for Personal Assistant. I want one. I need one. It is what I want most for my birthday coming up in a couple of months. However, what is signified by the term Personal Assistant is so far from what I have in mind that it is more inaccurate to use the term than not. How can I generate what I have yet to name?
I thought about steward because stewardship of my vision and purpose as it relates to time-space and my own personal balance and well-being is EXACTLY what I have in mind. It feels quite noble in relationship to land, stewardship does, but for me, when it comes to an interpersonal relationship it wreaks of a service industry that lacks dignity and agency NOT because it truly does but because of the history of how people have been treated in that role.
So far all I have been able to come up with is personal manager. But it lacks poesies (aka poetics). It lacks musicality. For me the poetics are a must. They are definitely necessary because the poetic element is the only way that I know of to point to the spiritual and energetic requirement of the role.
Thus my search continues though I am quite weary of it these days. Mind you, if I discover the person who cares about the name. And truly I know they will emerge the minute I remove whatever is blocking their presence in my lived reality.
In the meantime, I keep a folder for my personal manager.